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Wholesale Exchange Rate

The rate applied to large financial transactions, often used by institutions and businesses for significant foreign exchange transactions.

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Wholesale Money Market Rate

The interest rate on interbank loans in the wholesale money market, reflecting short-term lending and borrowing conditions among financial institutions.

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Warranty Accounting

The accounting treatment of warranties, including estimated warranty expenses and liabilities.

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Wash-Sale Rule

A rule that prevents investors from claiming a tax loss on the sale of a security if they repurchase the same or substantially identical security shortly afterward.

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Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC)

The average cost of financing a company's operations, taking into account the cost of debt and equity.

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What Is A Roth 401K

A retirement savings plan that combines features of a Roth IRA and a traditional 401(k).

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Window Dressing

The practice of manipulating financial statements or transactions to make a company's financial position appear more favorable than it actually is.

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Withholding Allowance

A specified amount of income that is exempt from withholding taxes.

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Working Capital

The difference between a corporation's current assets vs current liabilities, representing its short-term liquidity.

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Worthless Securities

Investments that have become entirely without value and are written off as losses.

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Wrap Around Mortgage

A type of second mortgage in which a new mortgage includes the existing first mortgage.