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Financial Institution

Organizations providing various financial services, such as banks, credit unions, and investment firms.

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FIRA (Foreign Inward Remittance Advice)

A document that provides information about incoming foreign remittances, essential for regulatory compliance and record-keeping by financial institutions.

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FIRC (Foreign Inward Remittance Certificate)

A document confirming the receipt of foreign funds into an individual's or business's bank account, serving as evidence of foreign fund inflow.

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Forex Benchmark

A standard rate used as a reference in the forex market, often employed as a benchmark for evaluating currency exchange rates.

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Forex Broker Fees

Commissions and charges imposed by brokers or intermediaries for executing forex trades on behalf of clients.

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Forex Market (Foreign Exchange Market)

The global marketplace for trading and exchanging currencies, encompassing various participants and transactions.

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Forex Regulations (Foreign Exchange Regulations)

Rules governing the foreign exchange market, designed to ensure transparency and market stability.

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Forex Reporting

The documentation and reporting of foreign exchange transactions, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and transparency.

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Form 3CEB

A reporting form used in India to provide information on transfer pricing and international transactions.

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Functional Analysis

Evaluation of the functions, assets, and risks undertaken by related entities in intercompany transactions.

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FX Markup (Foreign Exchange Markup)

An additional charge or fee imposed by financial institutions or currency exchange services on top of the base exchange rate when converting currencies.

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FX Rate (Foreign Exchange Rate)

The value at which one currency can be exchanged for another in the currency exchange market.

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Federal Insurance Contributions Act

A U.S. law that mandates the collection of Social Security & Medicare taxes from employees and employers.

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Financial Accounting

The speciality of accounting that focuses on recording, summarising, and reporting a company's financial transactions.

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Financial Footprint

A company's financial impact or presence in a specific market or industry.

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Financial Management

The process of planning, controlling, and optimizing a company's financial resources.

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Financial Reporting

The process of disclosing a company's financial information to stakeholders, typically through financial statements.

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Financial Statements

Reports that provide a snapshot of a company's financial position and performance, including the balance sheet and income statement.

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Fiscal Year

A 12-month accounting period businesses and organizations use for financial reporting and tax purposes.

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Fixed Assets

Long-term assets like buildings and equipment used in business operations.

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Fixed Costs

Costs that do not vary with the level of production or sales, such as rent and salaries.

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Flat Tax

A tax system in which all businesses pay the same percentage as corporate tax.

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The delay in time when a payment is initiated and when it is cleared and actually settled.

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Foreign Exchange Hedging

Strategies used to mitigate the risk of currency exchange rate fluctuations in international business transactions.

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Foreign Income Exclusion Rules

Tax rules that allow U.S. citizens and residents to exclude certain foreign-earned income from their taxable income.

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Foreign VAT Recovery

The process of reclaiming value-added tax (VAT) paid on business expenses in foreign countries.

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Forensic Accounting

The use of accounting and investigative techniques to uncover financial fraud or irregularities.

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Form D

Companies use a Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filing to raise capital through private placements.

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Form S-1

A registration statement filed with the SEC by companies planning to go public and offer their securities to the public.

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Free Cash Flow

The cash generated by a corporation after accounting for capital expenditures and operating expenses.