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Our services include filings of the most relevant US corporate and Federal filings for delaware C-Corps.


Beneficial Ownership Information

As of January 1, 2024, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), a bureau of the U.S. Department of Treasury, requires most legal entities, domestic or foreign, to report its Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI).

Income Tax

Form 5472

If your business was organised in the U.S. and has a foreign owner, you are required to file 5472.



FBAR refers to FinCEN Form 114, which was previously known as the Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts.

Income Tax

Form 1099

Form 1099 is a set of documents that report payments that generally do not originate from an employer.

Income Tax

CA Form 100

This form is filed with the California Franchise Tax Board (FTB) on an annual basis.


409A Valuation

US corporations that hire US citizens as employees are required to obtain a 409A valuation report prior to granting ESOPs.

Income Tax

Form 8938

Form 8938, officially named the Statement of Specified Foreign Financial Assets, is used by expats to report financial assets held abroad to the IRS.

Income Tax

Form 5471

Form 5471 is a tax requirement for US owners of foreign corporations, used to declare their ownership in the company.

Income Tax

Form 926

Form 926 reports property transfers to foreign corporations by C corporations.

Income Tax

Delaware Franchise Tax Filing

Delaware's Division of Corporations requires that all business entities file an annual report.

Income Tax

Form 1120

Small businesses operating as corporations in the U.S. must file Tax Form 1120.

Income Tax

Form 7004

Extend your US Corporate Tax Filing by 6 months



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Frequently Asked Questions

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What is a Letter of Undertaking (LUT) filing for exporters?


Companies exporting goods or services from India need to furnish a Letter of Undertaking (LUT) on the GST portal. This allows them to make these exports without paying IGST upfront.  It is recommended to include the LUT Application Reference Number (ARN) on the Transfer Pricing invoice.

Here's a sample Invoice: drive.google.com/file/d/1sHgIx7AwswLQkUYnAaiGudN7ZMCh4XSi/view?usp=sharing

How funds are moved?


We open a Virtual Account with JP Morgan Chase for your Indian entity. You need to make a domestic wire from US Bank A/C to this Virtual Account, and then funds are credited in INR in Indian Bank A/C after currency conversion. Funds do not touch Inkle anywhere.

Is this only about fund transfers? What else is included?


No, it also includes compliance. You can pre-fix the purpose code and download e-FIRA for free from the dashboard to claim GST exemptions.

What fees are charged? Is GST applicable on fees?


There is a flat 0.25% forex markup fee on live mid-market rates. There are no other hidden fees, such as flat fees or GST deductions. Since we don't charge a flat fee, GST is not applicable.

What is FIRA? Why is it required?


Foreign Inwards Remittance Advice (FIRA) is a document used in the Indian cross-border payments context. It is used as proof of a foreign currency conversion to Indian Rupees. FIRA is required to claim a GST refund for services or goods exported from India. We provide you with a free FIRA on your dashboard for every transfer, simplifying the process for you.

What is a transfer pricing benchmarking study & audit? How often is this required?


A Transfer Pricing Benchmarking Study is conducted to determine the margin rate for transactions between the related parties. It is required annually from the second year of starting such transactions. A Transfer Pricing Audit (Form 3CEB) is a mandatory annual report that companies engaging in Transfer Pricing must file with the Indian tax authorities. Inkle can help you with both of these processes through our network of empaneled CA firms.

Do I need to file a Form 7004?


Your chosen tax year dates are normally Jan-Dec unless you specific asked for it to be something else in your EIN application (SS-4). - for example Apr-Mar is common for those with Indian subsidiaries to match the underlying India tax year. You can check your chosen US dates in your SS-4 (field 12)or your EIN issuance letter (paragraph 3). Depending on your chosen tax year dates, and only if you want a 6-month extension to your corporate tax deadline, you will need to file the Form 7004 either by 15th April (if your tax year is Jan-Dec) or 15th Jul (if your tax year is Mar-Apr). This buys you a 6 month breather.

When is the deadline to file Form 7004 for C Corporations?


C Corporations must file Form 7004 on or before the original deadline of their tax return Form 1120, which is by the 15th day of the 4th month after the taxable year ends.

The deadline for C-Corporations following the calendar tax year is April 18, 2023.

What are the penalties for filing Form 7004 Late?

Suppose you fail to file a 7004 tax extension or tax return within the appropriate deadline (March 15, 2023, for S-corporations and partnerships and April 18, 2023, for corporations and other businesses). In that case, the IRS will charge interest and penalties on any unpaid Federal taxes.

If you do not file and owe taxes, the failure-to-file penalty is 5% per month (up to 5 months) of the amount due. If your return is over 60 days late, you may be subject to a $135 minimum penalty. The IRS will also impose a failure-to-pay penalty of 0.5% per month (up to 25%) of the amount due if you file a return or extension but don’t pay all your taxes on time.

What is a Form 1120 in Delaware?

Form 1120 is a crucial tax document utilized by corporations in the United States to disclose their income, gains, losses, deductions, and credits for federal income tax goals. In Delaware, corporations are expected to submit Form 1120 if they are operating within the state or have obtained income from sources within its boundaries.

What is Delaware C corporation tax?

C corporations conducting business in Delaware must pay an annual fee known as the Delaware state franchise tax, a privilege fee for operating within the state's jurisdiction.

What does Delaware C Corp mean?

A Delaware C Corporation (C Corp) is a type of business entity formed under the laws of Delaware and is taxed separately from its owners. A C Corp is considered a separate legal entity from its shareholders, meaning it can enter into contracts, own assets, and conduct business in its name.

What is Form 926 used for by C corporations?

C corporations use Form 926 to report property transfers to foreign corporations.

Who needs to file IRS Form 1099?


Businesses, individuals, and nonprofits may need to file Form 1099 when specific payment thresholds are met, such as payments to independent contractors, rent, or interest.

How can I get IRS Form 1099?

You can get Form 1099 from the IRS website, request it from the IRS, or use tax software like Inkle for assistance.

Can I e-file Form 1099 with the IRS?


Yes, you can electronically file through the FIRE system, often extending the deadline to March 31. Many tax software providers and e-filing services offer this option.

What is Form 8995?


Form 8995 is used to calculate and claim the Qualified Business Income Deduction (QBID) for individuals, estates, and trusts.

Who is eligible to use Form 8995?

Income Tax

Individuals, estates, and trusts with qualified company income from pass-through entities, like partnerships, S corporations, and sole proprietorships, may be eligible to use Form 8995.

What is the purpose of the Qualified Business Income Deduction (QBID)?

Income Tax

The QBID is a tax deduction that allows taxpayers to deduct a portion of their qualified business income from eligible businesses, potentially reducing their taxable income.

How do I calculate the QBID using Form 8995?

Income Tax

Form 8995 provides a step-by-step calculation process to determine the QBID. It involves determining your qualified business income, limitations, and other factors.

How do I calculate the QBID using Form 8995?

Income Tax

Form 8995 provides a step-by-step calculation process to determine the QBID. It involves determining your qualified business income, limitations, and other factors.

Are there income limits for claiming the QBID?

Income Tax

Yes, there are income limits and phase-out ranges for claiming the QBID. The limits can vary based on filing status and taxable income.

What types of income qualify for the QBID?

Income Tax

Generally, income from eligible businesses, including domestic partnerships, S corporations, sole proprietorships, and certain real estate activities, may qualify for the deduction.

Do I need to attach Form 8995 to my tax return?

Income Tax

You typically need to attach Form 8995 or its related schedules to your tax return to claim the QBID. The exact attachments required may depend on your situation.

Can I claim the QBID if I have W-2 income?

Income Tax

Yes, you may still be able to claim the QBID even if you have W-2 wage income, but some limitations and calculations take W-2 wages into account.

Are there any changes or updates to Form 8995 for the current tax year?

Income Tax

Tax laws and forms can change from year to year. It's essential to check the latest IRS instructions and publications for any updates to Form 8995.

Where can I find help or guidance in completing Form 8995?

Income Tax

You can seek assistance from tax professionals, use tax software like Inkle, or refer to the IRS website for guidance and resources on completing Form 8995 and understanding the QBID.

How do I calculate the amount to pay with Form 1040-ES?

Income Tax

You can use the worksheet with Form 1040-ES or online calculators to estimate the amount you should pay. It's typically based on your expected annual income and deductions.

When are the due dates for Form 1040-ES payments?

Income Tax

Form 1040-ES payments are typically due quarterly, with due dates in April, June, September, and January of the following year. The exact dates may vary each year.

Who needs to file Form 1040-ES?

Income Tax

Individuals who expect to owe a certain amount of tax and don't have it withheld through their paychecks or other sources are generally required to file Form 1040-ES.

What is Form 1040-ES?

Income Tax

Form 1040-ES estimates and pays your federal income taxes if you are not subject to withholding, such as self-employed individuals or those with significant additional income.

What happens if I miss a Form 1040-ES payment deadline?

Income Tax

Missing a payment deadline can result in penalties and interest charges, so making timely payments is essential. Late payments may also affect your ability to request an extension.

Can I make Form 1040-ES payments online?

Income Tax

You can make electronic payments for Form 1040-ES through the IRS's Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS) or by credit/debit card.

Can I carry over excess Form 1040-ES payments to the following year?

Income Tax

If you overpay your estimated taxes, you can apply the overpayment as a credit toward your next year's estimated taxes or request a refund when you file your tax return.

Where can I find Form 1040-ES and instructions for completing it?

Income Tax

You can find Form 1040-ES and its instructions on the official IRS website. Tax professionals and tax software like Inkle can also guide you in completing the form.

Do I still need to file a regular Form 1040 tax return if I pay estimated taxes with Form 1040-ES?

Income Tax

You must still file a Form 1040 tax return to reconcile your estimated tax payments with your actual tax liability.

What should I do if my income changes during the year after I've started making Form 1040-ES payments?

Income Tax

You should adjust your estimated tax payments to reflect the change in income. You can recalculate your estimated tax and make larger or smaller payments as necessary.

What is the advantage of electing S corporation status using Form 2553?

Income Tax

Electing S corporation status can offer tax advantages, including pass-through taxation and avoiding double taxation on corporate income.

Who is eligible to file Form 2553 to become an S corporation?

Income Tax

Specific criteria must be met, such as having a valid business structure (typically a domestic corporation), a particular number of shareholders, and meeting other requirements.

How do I fill out and submit Form 2553?

Income Tax

You can complete Form 2553 by providing information about your corporation, shareholders, and the S corporation election. The completed form is then submitted to the IRS.

Can LLCs file Form 2553 to become an S corporation?

Income Tax

No, Form 2553 is typically for corporations. However, some states allow LLCs to elect S corporation status for federal tax purposes.

What is Form 2553?

Income Tax

Form 2553 is the application to elect S corporation status for a business entity with the IRS.

When is the deadline to file Form 2553?

Income Tax

To elect S corporation status for a tax year, Form 2553 generally must be filed two months and 15 days after the beginning of that tax year.

What are the tax implications of S corporation status?

Income Tax

S corporations are pass-through entities, meaning profits and losses are passed to shareholders, who report them on their tax returns. Understanding these tax implications is essential.

Are there any restrictions on who can be a shareholder in an S corporation?

Income Tax

Yes, S corporations have restrictions on the types of shareholders they can have. Certain entities, such as other corporations, partnerships, and non-resident aliens, are generally not eligible shareholders.

Can I revoke the S corporation election made with Form 2553?

Income Tax

You can revoke the S corporation election under certain circumstances, but it typically requires shareholder consent and IRS approval.

Where can I find Form 2553 and instructions for completing it?

Income Tax

You can find Form 2553 and its instructions on the official IRS website. Additionally, tax professionals and software can guide you in completing the form.

Who is required to submit Tax Form 1120?

Income Tax

Regardless of taxable income, every US-based domestic corporation must file tax Form 1120. 

The following entities fall under the obligation to file tax Form 1120:

  1. Businesses opting for corporate taxation. These businesses must also complete Form 8832 and include a copy of Form 1120.
  2. Limited liability companies (LLCs). LLCs file Form 1120 only if they've chosen corporate taxation. Partnership LLCs use Form 1065, while single-member LLCs typically file taxes through the owner's personal federal tax return.
  3. Farming corporations. They are required to file Form 1120 to report their income/losses.
  4. Corporations with an ownership interest in a FASIT (Financial Asset Securitization Investment Trust).
  5. Foreign-owned domestic disregarded entities. If a foreign entity owns 100 percent of a domestic disregarded entity (D.E.), the D.E. is treated as separate from its foreign owner. The foreign entity must file Form 1120 and attach Form 5472.

Additionally, some types of corporations may need to complete additional forms, such as Form 1120 (Schedule N), for foreign operations in the U.S. Small corporations might not be required to fill out these additional forms. You can locate them by searching for "Form 1120" using the IRS Forms and Publications tool.

Which organisations are exempt?

Income Tax

The IRS grants tax-exempt status to specific organisations, such as:

  1. Charitable organisations
  2. Social welfare organisations
  3. Social clubs
  4. Trade associations
  5. Labor organisations
  6. Veterans' organisations
  7. Political organisations

The IRS maintains a comprehensive list of tax-exempt organisations, available here. These organisations are required to submit an information return, which may include Form 990, Form 990-EZ, and Form 990-PF.

What happens if errors are made during the completion of Form 1120?

Income Tax

In such cases, you need to rectify the mistake by amending the form. Utilise Form 1120X, the Amended U.S. Corporation Income Tax Return, for this purpose. Form 1120X must be submitted within three years from the original return.

To complete Form 1120X, you'll need the following information:

  1. Business name
  2. Explanation of changes
  3. Business address
  4. Details on payments and credits
  5. Data on income and deductions
  6. Tax amount due or overpayment
  7. Employer Identification Number (EIN)
  8. Signature

What sets apart a 1040 from an 1120?

Income Tax

Individuals employ Form 1040 to file personal income taxes, whereas C corporations utilise Form 1120 for corporate tax returns. The primary distinction lies in the taxpayer type: 1040 is for individuals, and 1120 is for corporations.

What is the IRS electronic mandate?


The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has introduced a significant update to its electronic filing requirements, effective for the 2023 tax year and onwards (to be filed in 2024). This new mandate stipulates that businesses filing ten or more information returns within a calendar year are obliged to submit these returns electronically. This marks a substantial change from the previous regulation, which set the electronic filing requirement at over 250 annual information returns.

Issued in February 2023, the updated IRS regulations encompass various information return types, including forms such as 1099s and W-2s. Under this new rule, businesses are required to aggregate the total number of all return types to determine if they meet or exceed the ten-return threshold. For instance, a company that needs to file two Form W-2s and eight Form 1099-NECs would have to file all of these returns electronically, as the combined total crosses the ten-return limit.

The mandate is quite inclusive, with few exceptions. It applies to almost all returns if their cumulative number exceeds ten. This regulation significantly impacts how businesses manage and file their information returns, especially those dealing with independent contractors' payments.

How will your company adapt its processes for managing and filing 1099-NEC forms to comply with the new requirements?


The updated IRS electronic filing mandate has significant implications for businesses employing independent contractors. While many companies are accustomed to electronically filing W-2 forms, the inclusion of 1099-NEC forms, typically used for freelancers and 1099 workers, into this process is a new requirement. Businesses with many independent contractors must now develop standardized procedures for filing 1099-NEC forms to maintain organized records, including tax verifications and invoices, for smooth filing at year-end.

The change from a 250-return threshold to just ten is considerable, affecting many businesses that previously relied on manual filing methods.

This oversight can lead to compliance risks and unregulated spending. With the new mandate, it becomes crucial for businesses working with independent contractors to maintain a comprehensive overview of all 1099-NEC forms required for end-of-year filing.

To adapt, companies may need to assign specific roles, possibly within human resources, to manage independent contractor engagements. This would ensure consistent onboarding and payment processes across the organization, facilitating accurate reporting at the end of the year.

Additionally, implementing automated and centralized systems could significantly reduce administrative workload and the likelihood of manual errors.

What are the penalties for a business that doesn't e-file IRS forms in 2024?


If a business fails to e-file information returns like Forms W-2 and 1099-series when required, it may face penalties as outlined in IRC Section 6721. These penalties can be imposed for not filing electronically and for late filing or submitting returns with incorrect information.

In 2023, the potential penalty can reach up to $310 for each return, with a yearly cap of $3,783,000. However, for smaller businesses with annual gross receipts not exceeding $5 million, the maximum penalty is limited to $1,261,000. These penalty amounts are subject to annual adjustments based on indexing.

Additionally, hardship waivers are available for those who would encounter significant difficulties meeting the e-filing requirements.

Do I need to file a Delaware Franchise Tax & Annual Report?

Sales Tax

If you have a Delaware C-Corp which was in existence during any calendar tax year (1st January to 31st December), then yes you must file the Annual Report and pay the Delaware Franchise Tax. This is going to cost you a minimum of $400 tax + $50 government filing fee, and possibly much more if you've raised in the millions.

Do I need monthly bookkeeping?


It's good practice (but not mandatory with Inkle).

In our experience, many founders tend to just "leave it to the deadline" - and then rush or miss the deadline. And they have little visibility into their books at any given time.

If you come to us days before the deadline, it's really tough for us to catch up your books if you have lots of transactions and missing invoices. And almost impossible to use Accrual method. So we'll be forced to used Cash method accounting, which isn't ideal for you.

Many US tax filing services compel you to pay a high monthly bookkeeping charge of more than $500/month and subscribe to Quickbooks, even if you have low activity at the start. We have fair pricing and nudge you for monthly bookkeeping because it's better for you, and it will cost you about half of the total monthly cost over 12 months in terms of annual cleanup anyway. Why not have monthly visibility instead.

Accrual Method or Cash Method?


Inkle strongly recommends Accrual Method (over Cash Method,) because:

- it's gives a much truer picture of your finances.

- prevents you from getting any nasty surprises.- it is easier for forecasting.

- it is GAAP-standard, and most VCs will ask for it.

- you will eventually have to do Accrual Method anyway after you cross $25mm in revenue (by law) or sooner, so why not start with it.

- the IRS does not permit you to switch to Accrual (from Cash) in the middle of a year.

- restating and translating prior years' Cash books into Accrual method would be a nightmare, if you want to compare later.

Cash Method is possibly OK if you have very little activity, or just started out or have no real revenue operations in US, but consult us for a discussion on this.

Because Accrual Method is more complex, we can only offer this to monthly customers. Trying to do Accrual Method once per year would just be too difficult for you and us, as we would have to discuss every transaction and invoice.

Do I need to file a State Filing?

Income Tax

It's best to do a tax consultation with our certified professional tax experts who can help you determine the answer.

As a general rule of thumb: if you don't have a formal physical office, permanent employees in attendance, stock or inventory and business operations, then you won't need to file a State return. This is even if your US company address is located in that state. Basically: it depends on what you're doing in the state.

How do I update the IRS with my company address


Just put your new address on your new Tax Filing, and they'll update their systems. Or see here for other methods: https://www.irs.gov/faqs/irs-procedures/address-changes/address-changes

What is a nil return?

Income Tax

Nil return means your US Corporation has no transactions in the concerned tax year.

Do I need to file a Form 5471 ?


Yes if your US corporation had a foreign subsidiary at any time during the concerned tax year.

Do I need to file a Form 5472 ?


Required if US corporation did any reportable transactions at any time during tax year AND has any 25%+ foreign shareholder. See here https://www.irs.gov/instructions/i5472

Do I need to file a Form 1099?


If you have paid a US resident contractor or an LLC as a contractual payment or rent, during the Concerned Tax Year, then yes you must file a Form 1099 by 31st January of the following year annually. One filing per person/LLC. If you've missed the deadline, discuss with us how to proceed.

What is the difference between Form Form 8938 and FBAR?


You may need one, the other, or both. FBAR is filed with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (and is based on calendar year), whereas Form 8938 goes to the IRS as part of your federal tax filing (and is based on your chosen tax year). FBAR is judged based on foreign balances controlled by your US entity's foreign accounts or its controlled entities foreign accounts, whereas Form 8938 is judged based on a threshold of specified passive income. See here for more details: https://www.irs.gov/businesses/comparison-of-form-8938-and-fbar-requirements

What is the deadline for filing BE-12 2022?

May 31 or June 30, 2023, for eFiling.

What is BE-12, and why is it important?

BE-12 is a survey conducted by the Bureau of Economic Analysis every five years to collect data on foreign investment in the US. US businesses with foreign ownership or control must participate.

Who is required to file BE-12 2022?

In 2022, all companies that have foreign ownership or interests exceeding 10% at the end of the year are required to submit BE-12. This requirement applies to e-commerce platforms involved in digital product distribution as well as partnerships that hold real estate for non-personal purposes.

What is Delaware Franchise Tax?

The Delaware Franchise Tax is an annual tax imposed on businesses incorporated in Delaware or have a presence there. It is not a tax on income but on the privilege of conducting business in Delaware.

What happens if you don't pay Delaware Franchise Tax?

Not paying the Delaware Franchise Tax and failing to file the Annual Report for two consecutive years will lead to the State of Delaware's automatic administrative dissolution of the corporation.

Is Delaware a tax-friendly state?

Delaware is tax-friendly due to no sales tax, business-friendly tax laws, and favourable corporate income tax rates.

Why is it essential for C corporations to file Form 926?

Filing Form 926 is crucial because it allows the IRS to monitor and track investments made by C corporations in foreign entities, ensuring compliance with tax laws.

Can C corporations electronically file Form 926?

C corporations can electronically file Form 926 through the IRS's Modernized e-File (MeF) system.

How do Form 5471 and Form 5472 differ?

Form 5471 is filed by U.S. taxpayers, while Form 5472 is for foreign corporations in U.S. business or U.S. corporations with 25% foreign ownership.

What information is required on Form 5471?

Detailed reporting on foreign corporation ownership, finances, operations, including key data, related-party transactions, and essential info.

Are there exceptions to filing Form 5471?

Income Tax

Yes, there are exceptions based on ownership thresholds and specific circumstances. It's essential to review the IRS guidelines to determine if you meet the criteria for exemption from filing Form 5471.

Do I need to file Form 8938 if I already report foreign assets on other forms like FBAR (FinCEN Form 114)?

Income Tax

Yes, both Form 8938 and FBAR might be necessary since they serve different purposes and have separate reporting thresholds. While FBAR has its requirements, Form 8938 is part of your annual tax return and may need to be filed, even if you're already submitting FBAR.

Which foreign assets should be reported on Form 8938?

Income Tax

Form 8938 includes various foreign financial assets like bank accounts, investments, foreign entity ownership, etc. For a complete list of reportable assets, refer to IRS instructions.

How do I know if I meet Form 8938 reporting thresholds?

Income Tax

Consider your residency status (U.S. or abroad) and the value of foreign financial assets on the last day of the tax year and at any time during the year. If thresholds are exceeded, file Form 8938.

When should I obtain a 409A valuation?


Obtain a 409A valuation before issuing your initial common stock options, after completing a round of venture financing, annually or after a significant event, and when approaching an IPO, merger, or acquisition.

Can I do a 409A valuation internally, or is an external appraisal needed?

Companies for IRS compliance and impartiality often prefer external appraisals, as independent experts ensure accurate evaluation of complex factors. This results in well-supported reports, reducing inaccuracies and conflicts with tax authorities.

Can a 409A valuation be updated if my company's financial circumstances change significantly after the initial assessment?


Yes, a 409A valuation can and should be updated if there are material changes in your company's financial situation or other significant events.

Are additional schedules and forms necessary to accompany Form 100?

Income Tax

Yes, based on the complexity of a corporation's finances, additional schedules like Schedule R, Schedule K, and others might be required with Form 100.

Do foreign corporations operating in California need to file Form 100?

Income Tax

Foreign corporations conducting business in California must file Form 100 if they earn income from sources within the state.

What kind of financial information is needed for Form 100?

Income Tax

Corporations must provide detailed financial data, including gross receipts, deductions, credits, and other pertinent details essential for calculating net income and tax liability.

What types of accounts are reportable on the FBAR?


FBAR requires reporting on various foreign financial accounts, including bank and investment accounts, and certain foreign retirement or pension accounts if they meet the reporting threshold.

Are there FBAR exceptions or rules for specific U.S. entities?


Some exceptions and rules may apply, especially for entities like trusts and tax-exempt organisations. Consult Inkle today for entity-specific guidance.

Must U.S. entities report foreign real estate on an FBAR?


Generally, foreign real estate isn't reported on an FBAR except when held through a foreign financial account like a foreign bank account, where exceptions may apply.

Is Form 5472 required for all foreign-related transactions?

Income Tax

Form 5472 is needed for specific reportable transactions, not all foreign-related ones. Consult IRS guidelines or Inkle to determine what to report.

Are there exemptions from filing Form 5472?

Income Tax

Some specific exceptions and exemptions exist for certain types of transactions and entities. For example, certain de minimis transactions may be exempt from reporting.

Can Form 5472 be e-filed?

Income Tax

Yes, IRS permits electronic filing using the Electronic Tax Administration system, offering convenience and extended deadlines.

Is a Bookkeeping Service Necessary for My Business?


Considering a bookkeeping service is an intelligent choice if you're looking to save time and money. Discover how professional bookkeeping can help streamline your finances with Inkle.

Can I Handle My Business's Bookkeeping on My Own?


Accounting software can empower small businesses to manage their own bookkeeping efficiently, thanks to automated operations ensuring accurate financial records. Know more with Inkle.

What Are the Costs of Bookkeeping Services?


Various factors influence the cost of bookkeeping services, from business size to required features. Find out about pricing structures, with options ranging from monthly fees to hourly rates with Inkle.

Is Bookkeeping Essential for Small Businesses?


Bookkeeping is crucial to small business management, irrespective of growth plans. Understand how it not only tracks finances but also aids in accurate tax filings.

What Services Can I Expect from Professional Bookkeeping Providers?


Bookkeeping providers offer comprehensive bookkeeping, accounting, and tax services. Learn about key functions such as journal entries, ledger maintenance, reconciliation, and trial balances with Inkle.

Distinguishing Bookkeeping from Accounting: What's the Difference?


While bookkeeping focuses on recording financial transactions, accounting involves interpreting, classifying, and reporting those transactions.

What is the Corporate Transparency Act and Beneficial Ownership Information?


In 2021, Congress passed the Corporate Transparency Act to establish a beneficial ownership information reporting requirement. The aim is to enhance transparency and deter individuals with malicious intentions from using shell companies or unclear ownership structures to conceal or profit from illicit gains.

Starting from January 1, 2024, certain U.S. companies must share details about the people who own or manage the company (beneficial owners) with FinCEN (Financial Crimes Enforcement Network). The CTA became law in 2020 as part of the Anti-Money Laundering Act, included in the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021.

Beneficial ownership information refers to identifying information about theindividuals who directly or indirectly own or control a company.

Who has to file FinCEN BOI?


Reporting companies who are obligated to file are:

  • Domestic reporting companies include Corporations, LLCs, and other entities created by filing with a U.S. secretary of state or a similar office.
  • Foreign reporting companies include entities formed under foreign law registered to do business in the U.S. through filing with a secretary of state or similar office.

What are the exemptions?


The exempted companies that do not need to file BOI are:

  • Big operational companies with over 20 full-time employees in the United States maintain a physical office presence in the US and have filed a federal income tax or information return demonstrating gross receipts or sales exceeding $5 million in the previous year.
  • Companies involved in investments, along with advisors for investments and venture capital funds, are officially registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
  • Pooled investment vehicles operated or advised by specific financial entities.

What needs to be reported?


All reporting companies should include the following information in the Beneficial Ownership Information report -

Reporting Company Details:

  1. Legal name
  2. Trade names
  3. Current U.S. business address
  4. Jurisdiction of Formation
  5. Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) or foreign-issued tax identification number and issuing jurisdiction.

Beneficial Owner Details:For each beneficial owner, the reporting company must provide:

  1. Name
  2. Date of birth
  3. Residential address
  4. Identifying numbers from an acceptable ID document (e.g., passport or U.S. driver's license) and the issuing state or jurisdiction. (Include a copy of the identification document used for obtaining the identifying number).

Company Applicant Details:Only applicable for companies incorporated on or after 1st Jan 2024. For each company applicant, the reporting company must provide:

  1. Name
  2. Date of birth
  3. Address
  4. Identifying numbers from an acceptable ID document (e.g., passport or U.S. driver's license) and the issuing state or jurisdiction. (Include a copy of the identification document used for obtaining the identifying number).

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