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Margin Percentage

The profit or cost added to the base exchange rate, contributing to the difference between buying and selling prices for a currency.

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Margin Rate

The profit margin or markup applied to a cost base when using cost-plus or other transfer pricing methods.

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Master File and Local File

Transfer pricing documentation requirements under BEPS, including a master file for group-wide information and a local file for entity-specific information.

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Mid-Market Rate

The midpoint between the buying (bid) and selling (ask) rates for a currency, often used as a reference for exchange rate comparisons.

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Money Market Interbank Rate

The rate at which banks lend to one another in the money market, often reflecting short-term liquidity and borrowing conditions.

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Money Market Rate

The interest rate on short-term financial instruments, reflecting the cost of borrowing or lending in the money market.

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Marketable Securities

Investments that can be easily bought or sold in the financial markets.

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Matching Principle

An accounting principle that requires expenses to be recognized in the same period as the related revenue.

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Mileage Allowance

A deduction or reimbursement for the use of a personal vehicle for business purposes.

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Money Laundering

The illegal process of making large sums of money obtained from criminal activities appear legal.

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A statistical phenomenon where two or more variables in a regression model are highly correlated.