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LIBOR (London Interbank Offered Rate)

The interest rate at which major banks offer unsecured loans to each other in the London interbank market, providing a benchmark for short-term interest rates worldwide.

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Labor Efficiency Variance

A measure of the difference between actual labour hours and budgeted labor hours.

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Lawsuit Payable

A liability resulting from a legal dispute or pending lawsuit.

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Lean Accounting

An approach to accounting that focuses on reducing waste and increasing efficiency in financial processes.

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Lease Acquisition Costs

Costs associated with acquiring or negotiating a lease agreement.

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Letter 5071C

An IRS letter sent to taxpayers to verify their identity and protect against tax fraud.

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Levered Free Cash Flow

Free cash flow is adjusted to reflect the financial leverage of a company.

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Debts or obligations that a business owes to external parties.

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The ability of a company to meet its short-term financial obligations and convert assets into cash.

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Lockbox System

A banking service that accelerates the collection of payments by directing them to a centralized location.