a world map showing the route money transfer between us and india

Transfer funds fast and securely

Seamless Intercompany Transfers: USD to INR with the best FX rates, T+1 settlements & compliance with FIRA.

a white circle with a minus symbol on it
Our fees
Amount we convert
a green circle with a white background
Awaiting input
Live mid-market rate
a white circle with a minus symbol on it
0.25% (25 bps)
Our FX markup fee
a white circle with a blue x on it
Awaiting input
Conversion rate
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Disclaimer: The conversion rate may vary depending on the exact time of transaction.

Transfer funds fast and securely

Seamless Intercompany Transfers: USD to INR with the best FX rates, T+1 settlements & compliance with FIRA.

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Integrates with existing solutions

With seamless data ingestion through Plaid and Bank Statements, your transactions are effortlessly categorised and synced with your existing accounting software.

🔒 Security

Only the banks touch your funds.

- We’ve partnered with the top 4 global banks.

- These banks transfer all funds inter-entity, securely.

⚡️ Velocity

Settle transfers in T+1 business days.

- Send funds to the recipient's bank account in T+1 business days.

- Get LIVE transaction updates to keep track of your funds.

🔍 Transparency

We offer completely transparent FX rates.

- Get the best FX rates upfront before you make a transfer.

- No hidden fees will be added to your transfers.

- You can track LIVE foreign exchange market rates before you initiate a transfer.

🤝 FIRA Compliance

Complimentary FIRA with every transfer.

- Every transfer includes a complimentary Foreign Inward Remittance Advice (FIRA), on the house.

- You can download your free FIRA report from the dashboard at your convenience.

How is this different from SWIFT to Indian Bank transfers?

Flat Fees
FX Markup Fees
Payment Method
Banker Calls

Transfer funds fast and securely

Seamless Intercompany Transfers: USD to INR with the best FX rates, T+1 settlements & compliance with FIRA.

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How 91Squarefeet - a retail tech startup, scaled intercompany transactions with Inkle Transfer Pricing Payments

Discover how 91Squarefeet achieved seamless intercompany transactions with Inkle Transfer Pricing Payments. Learn their success story now.

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