How to Calculate Net Income? Everything You Need To Know

Founder’s Ultimate Guide For Net Income Calculation

What is Net Income?

The amount of money that remains after all taxes, interest, depreciation, and other costs are subtracted for a specific period is known as net income. It is also known as net profit or net earnings. Net income is a company's profitability after all operating expenses are deducted. It gives a clear picture of how well a business is allocating its resources in order to turn a profit.

Positive net income is a sign of profitability and the ability of the business to make a surplus after all expenses are paid. For the company's performance and financial health, this is usually regarded as a positive indication.

A negative net income signifies that the business is not making money currently and is spending more money than it is bringing in. This state of affairs is frequently denoted as operating at a loss or a net loss. This may indicate challenges in making enough money to support the business's operations and obligations, which could be a concern for the company's long-term viability and financial health.

Importance of Net Income

Net income is a crucial financial indicator for evaluating the health and profitability of a company. We address the significance of net income in detail - 

Financial Health

Net income is significant since it sheds light on a company's or person's financial standing. It can assist in figuring out whether a business can take on more debt and yet be solvent. In the same way, net income for individuals indicates their capacity to control spending and save funds for upcoming purchases or investments. Spending could also be significantly controlled by expense tracking software with Inkle books which simplifies transaction categorisation like never before.

Investment Decision

As it tells investors how profitable a company's operations will be over time, net income is also a crucial factor in investment decisions. A company that has a high net income may be well-positioned to grow and be in good financial health. However, a negative or low net income may be a sign of possible warning signs and should be carefully evaluated before purchasing any stock.

Influences Tax Liability

Since net income has a big impact on a person's tax liability, it's also vital to consider while filing taxes. They can more efficiently manage their finances by estimating their annual tax liability with accuracy when they are aware of their net income.

Comparing Performance 

A business's or an individual's success throughout several time periods can be compared with the help of net income. Individuals and companies can monitor their development and assess whether corrective actions are necessary to enhance their overall financial performance by comparing net income over several accounting periods.

Determine Trends Towards Profitability

High-growth businesses and startups with venture capital funding don't focus on their bottom line and anticipate a profit. Most of the time, you're aiming to get as much market share as you can before going public with venture money while still turning a net loss as you drive expansion. Even when you're losing cash, you may still determine whether your business is headed towards profitability by keeping an eye on patterns in net income. Because becoming successful is always the ultimate goal of any firm, even if it's not expected right now.

Plan For Growth

Businesses in fast-growing sectors, like SaaS, require capital to maintain expansion. Retained earnings for growth is the account to which they allocate a portion of their net income.

The amount of money that can be transferred to retained earnings and reinvested in the company is indicated by its net income.

Formula for Net Income

In accounting, the net income formula determines the net earnings or profit of the business; to put it simply, it's the amount that remains in the books of accounts after all costs are deducted from sales for that particular period.

  • Investors can determine how much the company's entire revenue exceeds its total expenses by looking at Net Income or Net Profit.
  • Earnings from the selling of goods and services, interest income proceeds from the sale of the business, and other sources of income make up the total revenue. The income from the primary business activity is thus represented by the target net income formula. Put another way, it's the money that comes in from the company's main operations.
  • The total cost of expenses includes interest income, depreciation and amortisation, office upkeep, utilities, salaries and wages, and the cost of goods and services sold.
  • They are, therefore, the expenses incurred by the entity in the course of conducting business. In addition to the aforementioned categories, expenses might also include any other costs incurred during business operations, whether directly or indirectly.

Therefore, in accounting, the net income formula shows how successfully and efficiently the company's management is able to run the business, limit expenses, and turn a profit. It is positive for the company's financial health if the formula shows growth in net profit year on year.

With the prospect of earning strong returns, investors will be keen to invest in such a company. It also indicates that the company has a bright future in terms of growth and expansion because it has the capital to invest in general growth, technological advancement, and upgrading.  

 A positive net income is achieved by a business when its sales exceed its expenses. A negative net income, usually referred to as a net loss, is the result of all of your expenses exceeding your revenue.

Sales - COGS = Gross Profit - Operating Expenses = Operating Income/EBITDA - (Interest +Depreciation/Amortisation) = EBT - Taxes = EAT/ Net income.

Using the method above, you may find your firm's net income for any given period—annual, quarterly, or monthly—. You can choose the timeframe that works best for your organisation.

Examples Of How To Calculate Net Income

Example 1 

Your numbers are:

  • Total revenue: $90,000
  • COGS: $20,000
  • Rent: $8,000
  • Utilities: $2500
  • Payroll: $10,500
  • Marketing: $2,000
  • Miscellaneous expenses: $1,000

Subtract COGS from total revenue to determine gross income:

Total revenue – COGS = gross income 
$90,000 – $20,000 = $70,000

Finally, total up the expenditures:

Total expenses: $8,000 + $2500 + $10,500 + $2,000 + $1,000 = $24,000

Take the gross income and deduct all of your expenses to determine your net income:

Gross income – total expenses = net income
$70,000 – $24,000 = $46,000

Therefore, your net income for the quarter is $46,000.

Example 2

This is an illustration of how ABYZ Candy Co. calculated its net income. During the quarter, this small business brought in $95,000 in sales. During that time, the candy's manufacturing costs came to $38,500, leaving a $56,500 gross gain. Operating income for the company was $43,500 after deducting operating expenses of $13,000. 

The net income before taxes for ABYZ was $43,000 after deducting $2000 in interest expense and adding $1,500 in interest income. After deducting $5,500 in taxes, ABYZ Candy had $37,500 in net income.

- $38,500

- $13000

- $2000


- $5,500



Since profitability is the key to corporate success, net income is crucial to firms. Businesses can use net income to compensate their stakeholders, such as stockholders and employees who receive bonuses. Large public corporations are able to maintain dividend payments if they have adequate net earnings. 

When evaluating a company's profitability and valuation, net income is a crucial indicator. For investors, business owners, lenders, and analysts alike, the net income formula offers insightful information.

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