a world map showing the route money transfer between us and india

Investor Updates by Inkle

Unlock a hassle-free, structured way for founders to engage investors by sharing updates regularly.

a white circle with a minus symbol on it
Our fees
Amount we convert
a green circle with a white background
Awaiting input
Live mid-market rate
a white circle with a minus symbol on it
0.25% (25 bps)
Our FX markup fee
a white circle with a blue x on it
Awaiting input
Conversion rate
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Disclaimer: The conversion rate may vary depending on the exact time of transaction.

Investor Updates by Inkle

Unlock a hassle-free, structured way for founders to engage investors by sharing updates regularly.

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Integrates with existing solutions

With seamless data ingestion through Plaid and Bank Statements, your transactions are effortlessly categorised and synced with your existing accounting software.

Share timely, concise, and informative updates to your investors.

Stay Up-to-Date

Share timely, concise, and informative updates to your investors.

Get customizable templates to impress your investors with visually appealing updates.

Structured Email Templates

Get customizable templates to impress your investors with visually appealing updates.

Provide the latest, verified US bank account cash balances to your investors.

Easy Balance Reporting

Provide the latest, verified US bank account cash balances to your investors.


Personalized Outreach

Create mailing lists and send different updates to current investors, prospective investors, well-wishers etc.

Provide the latest, verified US bank account cash balances to your investors.

Provide the latest, verified US bank account cash balances to your investors.

Create mailing lists and send different updates to current investors, prospective investors, well-wishers etc.

How is this different from SWIFT to Indian Bank transfers?

Flat Fees
FX Markup Fees
Payment Method
Banker Calls

Investor Updates by Inkle

Unlock a hassle-free, structured way for founders to engage investors by sharing updates regularly.

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