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Inkle Documents

Safely store sensitive corporate documents in inkle's secure integrated vault.

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Live mid-market rate
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0.25% (25 bps)
Our FX markup fee
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Disclaimer: The conversion rate may vary depending on the exact time of transaction.

Inkle Documents

Safely store sensitive corporate documents in inkle's secure integrated vault.

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Integrates with existing solutions

With seamless data ingestion through Plaid and Bank Statements, your transactions are effortlessly categorised and synced with your existing accounting software.

Safely store, archive, share, collaborate and access your corporate documents in inkle's integrated vault.

Secure Document Vault

Safely store, archive, share, collaborate and access your corporate documents in inkle's integrated vault.

Effortlessly export documents with just a single click - it's that simple.
Quick Send

Click To Export

Effortlessly export documents with just a single click - it's that simple.

Simplify corporate document structuring according to your specified guidelines.

Customized Setup

Simplify corporate document structuring according to your specified guidelines.

Simplify corporate document structuring according to your specified guidelines.

Simplify corporate document structuring according to your specified guidelines.

How is this different from SWIFT to Indian Bank transfers?

Flat Fees
FX Markup Fees
Payment Method
Banker Calls

Inkle Documents

Safely store sensitive corporate documents in inkle's secure integrated vault.

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